The White Lions of Timbavati

The White Lions of Timbavati

The white lions of Timbavati South Africa are much more stunning in person than any photograph can reveal. The white lions are said to have come to earth to help guide humanity. On a visit to South Africa, I could feel them calling me.…

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There All Along

There All Along

Published in Natural Awakenings Atlanta for the column Walking Each Other Home, January 2022…

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Inspired by Panorama Ray

Inspired by Panorama Ray

Panorama Ray was a legend in Atlanta and my dear friend. Today I am following in his footsteps as I begin my journey into panoramic photography. I can never compare myself to the greatest panoramic photographer the world has never known, but I aspire to create magic as he did.…

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My Favorite Wildlife Photography

My Favorite Wildlife Photography

If you know me you know that I love love love wildlife! I have been photographing exotic animals on my travels for a number of years now so I wanted to share some of my favorite shots. I hope you love what you see.…

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The Encounter

The Encounter

I recently was asked to share my experiences with a psychic friend who was writing an article about UFOs for her blog. This is my contact story. It shaped my life because after the encounter I knew with all my being that ,"Anything is possible."…

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Los Hongos Sagrados or How I Was Guided to the Home of Magic Mushrooms

Los Hongos Sagrados or How I Was Guided to the Home of Magic Mushrooms

Over the years I have learned that when the universe asks something of me, I have to pay attention. Despite not being fully sure that it was what I wanted to do, I am so glad that I listened and followed the call to work with mushrooms.…

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Celebrities and Spirit Possession

Celebrities and Spirit Possession

When I love an artist or musician, I will spend a lot of time learning and researching about them. Over the years, I’ve come across stories of some of my favorite celebrities who appear to have dealt with spirit possession.…

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Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits

Have you ever had a connection with someone that you will never forget, then in an instant they are gone forever? I understand now that it is so important to hold those golden connections close when they come into my life again.…

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Psychic Protection and Clearing Techniques

Psychic Protection and Clearing Techniques

Psychic attack can happen to the best of us, especially if you are unprepared.…

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PSA: About Wildlife Volunteering

PSA: About Wildlife Volunteering

Wildlife volunteer work takes a special breed. Knowing you are doing something for animals and being in their presence is why I have loved doing it for the past twenty years.…

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Mayan Spirit Voice Recording- Guatemala

Mayan Spirit Voice Recording- Guatemala

Here is a sound bite from a recording I made of a spirit voice while in a Mayan Shrine on Lago de Atitlan, Guatemala.…

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Aliens?! Really?!

Aliens?! Really?!

I don’t believe in trying to convince anyone that ETs exist but I do like to share my own experiences. I saw my first UFOs standing on a dirt road in the Arizona desert when I was twenty-one years old.…

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Desert Awakening

Desert Awakening

When I went to the Sonoran Desert for the first time it was a magical experience. Though the desert was considered a dangerous place to some, to me it was nurturing, almost gentle. My spirit felt at home there.…

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Jungle Trekking with Guatemalan Wildlife

Jungle Trekking with Guatemalan Wildlife

Jungle trekking is my favorite thing to do!…

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A Sundance Family

A Sundance Family

The Sundance is a very powerful Native American ceremony. For me it’s certainly the most intense ritual that I participate in.…

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Best Friends

Best Friends

My best friend in high school was my perfect friend match.She helped make me who I was then and she still does today.…

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Madre Ayahuasca

Madre Ayahuasca

Little did I know, when I first learned of it, that this ancient medicine would change my life forever and lead me toward my soul’s true path.…

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In Love With Guatemala

In Love With Guatemala

Have you ever fallen in love with a place? I am so in love with Guatemala that it hurts to say goodbye. There is a special energy that I feel when I am here, like a cosmic connection that has been with me for eternity.…

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Connect With Your Psychic Awareness

Connect With Your Psychic Awareness

All of us are born with psychic ability. It’s just a matter of remembering how to use it.…

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Silver Balloons

Silver Balloons

When I was a girl, maybe 9-12 year old, I had a remarkable incident happen to me…twice. In our front yard landed a large silver balloon.…

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Princess Bride True Love

Princess Bride True Love

Once upon a time I was granted true love. Now thirty years later, he sometimes still comes to me in my dreams at night.…

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Reading the Signs

Reading the Signs

I believe that the more you can notice the signs the universe is sending you, the easier life can be. They are always there. It is part of the guidance that our intuitions and spirit guides share with us. You just have to learn to read them.…

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A Passion for Travel

A Passion for Travel

When you’re a wanderer, nothing is defined or routine. You have little expectations for what’s to come. I feel like it’s a good investment for me to travel because I believe it’s an important part of the school of life. And it’s a school I love attending!…

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Pioneering is not easy, that’s for sure. At first people tend to think you are nuts to do what you are doing. I am just following my heart and I have been blessed to get encouragement from those who believe in me from the start.…

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The Magic and Healing of Animals

The Magic and Healing of Animals

There is no better way to learn unconditional love than through an animal companion.…

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The Benefits of Talking to the Dead

The Benefits of Talking to the Dead

When I was in my 20’s I went to visit a Mayan time keeper in Guatemala. He told me that I could see the invisible people…ghosts. Mediumship, psychic awareness and the ability to heal are gifts that we all have.…

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The Biggest Life Change

The Biggest Life Change

When Covid came along it was my fourth time starting over. I began to wonder, “Why does this keep happening to me?”…

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Slaying Worry

Slaying Worry

When I was a young independent artist, I became worrisome. My worries became so cumbersome that my anxiety took over my life.…

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A Recapitulation Story

A Recapitulation Story

As a teenager, I used my journal to work through my life problems. It is a powerful tool for me for transformation and self-expression.…

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