Jungle Trekking with Guatemalan Wildlife

Sometimes all you need to tell a story are the visuals. I recently got to spend several days in the Guatemalan jungle communing with nature and photographing wildlife.
It was incredibly lovely!
But honestly the bugs were a nightmare.
Was it worth it?
Yes! For me it is my greatest joy to be among the wildlife. It means that I am willing to put up with bugs, heat, sore feet and all!
Here are the results of what I was privileged to see.
Wild quetzal outside of Santiago, Lago de Atitlan
Wild quetzal outside of Santiago, Lago de Atitlan
Spider Monkey and her baby
American Crocodile
Grey Fox
Great Blue Heron
Spider Monkey Family
Gartered Trogon, relative to the Quetzal
The rare and elusive Agami Heron, no one has ever seen its nest or chicks
Mated scarlet macaw pair